Just a Thought

There have been occassions (though few and far between) when I have a profound thought, a great idea, or even an enlightenment of unknown origin that I need to set down in words. I have needed an outlet for such thoughts and this seems to be it. If I amuse you, great. If I cause you to think, awesome. If I cause you to ponder, fantastic. If I cause you to change, I have completed the purpose given to me by my maker.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

This is Ron (But he likes to be called Jim now). He and I grew up together. We lived just around the corner from one another for most of our younger years. Clear up till he went into the service. I hadn't seen him in 30 years almost, and one day I heard that he was living RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER from me. Well it turns out he and his wife live just two streets over. We had a long talk the other day, and I am going over to his house to meet his wife very soon. It's great to rekindle an old friendship. Posted by Hello


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