Just a Thought

There have been occassions (though few and far between) when I have a profound thought, a great idea, or even an enlightenment of unknown origin that I need to set down in words. I have needed an outlet for such thoughts and this seems to be it. If I amuse you, great. If I cause you to think, awesome. If I cause you to ponder, fantastic. If I cause you to change, I have completed the purpose given to me by my maker.

Monday, July 25, 2005


To all of my buddies from ERG... I am soooooo sorry!! I went to get the photos of our day at Camp Kern... only to find out I put the film in the wrong bin and they did not go out for developing until today (Monday) and won't be back until Wednesday afternoon. I promise I will get them Wed. evening and post them that night!!

Have a great evening and I'll see you back here on Wednesday!!

Meanwhile, if you are interested... here are a few pics of my son's trip to the BIG APPLE.. NYC!!!

I will add more tomorrow. :-)


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